• We explored the current methods in NLP, including word2vec embedding (gensim package in python), LSTMs(use keras neural networks API), tf-idf, python nltk package, etc.
  • We built machine learning models which identified duplicate Quora question pairs with high accuracy (logloss ~0.151)
  • We are ranked top 8% in this Kaggle competition among 3307 teams who participated, and got a Bronze Medal.

Table of Contents

  1. Problem Description
  2. [Methods Overview] (## Methods Overview)
  3. EDA of Quora Dataset
  4. Feature Engineering
  5. Machine Learning Models
  6. Model Ensemble

Problem Description - Identifying Duplicate Questions

Quora is a question-and-answer online platform where questions are asked, answered, edited and organized by its community of users. Very often, people ask differently worded questions but with the same meaning. Multiple questions with the same intent cause the seekers more time to find the best answers to their questions, and also cause the writers feel they need to answer multiple versions of the same question. Identifying duplicate questions will provide better experience for both the users and writers.

For example, the following question pairs are duplicates:

  • question 1: How do I read and find my YouTube comments? vs question 2: How can I see all my Youtube comments?

  • question 3: What are some examples of products that can be make from crude oil? vs question 4: What are some of the products made from crude oil?

The following question pairs are not duplicates:

  • question 5: What is the step by step guide to invest in share market? vs question 6: What is the step by step guide to invest in share market in india?

  • question 7: What's causing someone to be jealous? vs question 8: What can I do to avoid being jealous of someone?

Methods Overview:

To identify duplicate questions, we extracted features from text data including basic NLP, word2vec embedding, TF-IDF, LSTMs. We trained the features with Random Forest model, xgboost model, logistic regression and neural networks. Finally, we ensembled 12 models to make the final model more robust and to improve accuracy.

EDA of Quora Dataset

The Quora dataset provided by Kaggle contains a train dataset and a test dataset. The train dataset consists 404290 question pairs with each pairs labeled as 1(duplicate) or 0 (not duplicate). The test dataset consists 2345796 question pairs without labels, which is 5.8 fold as much as the train dataset. Evaluations are based on logloss between the predicted value and ground truth.

Let's take a look at the dataset.

Data fields: id - id of the question pairs; qid1 - id of question 1; qid2 - id of question 2; question1 - full text of question 1; question2 - full text of question 2

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Data distribution by label

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We did Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and found the following features between train and test dataset. The values in train and test dataset are very close.

number of words: - Median in train: 10.0 test: 10.0 - Average in train: 11.06 test: 11.02 - Maximum in train: 237 test: 238 - Minimum in train: 1 test: 1

number of characters: - Median in train: 51.0 test: 53.0 - Average in train: 59.82 test: 60.07 - Maximum in train: 1169 test: 1176 - Minimum in train: 1 test: 1

We found that the number of common words between question pairs may be a good feature in building our prediction model.

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Feature Engineering

Feature engineering is a major part in building good machine learning models. We applied various methods to extract features from text data. We used the following feature engineering methods, including basic features, NLP features, word2vec features, TF-IDF transformation features, LSTM features as well as leaky features. I will cover each methods as follows.

Basic Features

We crafted the following 18 basic features:

Feature Description
len_q length of characters in question inclduing whitespaces
len_char_q number of characters in question without whitespaces
diff_len difference in character length between question pairs
char_diff_unq_stop difference in number of characters between question pairs after filtering stop words
char_ratio ratio of character length between question pairs
len_word_q number of words in question
wc_diff difference in number of words between question pairs
wc_diff_unique difference in number of unique words between question paris
wc_diff_unq_stop difference in number of unique words between question pairs after filtering stop words
wc_ratio ratio of word length between question pairs
wc_unique_ratio ratio of unique word length between question pairs
wc_ratio_unique_stop ratio of unique word length between q1 and q2 after filtering stop words
total_unique_words number of unique words in each question pair
total_unique_words_w_stop number of unique words in each question pair after filtering stop words
common_words number of common words in each question pair
word_match number of common words in question pairs over total number of words in question pairs after filtering stop words
2_SWC word match using 2-grams
3_SWC word match using 3-grams
1_SWC_w_stops word match after filtering stop words
2_SWC_w_stops word match using 2-grams after filtering stop words
3_SWC_w_stops word match using 3-grams after filtering stop words
Jaccard the shared words count over total words count in each question pair
same_start return 1 if a question pair has same start word, otherwise return 0

NLTK Features

We used nltk package in Python, and crafted the following features.

Feature Description
WC_NN number of common nouns in each question pair
WC_CD number of common numbers in each question pair
WC_VB number of common verbs in each question pair
WC_JJ number of common adjective in each question pair
nonlatin_shared number of common nonlatin characters in each question pair
havewhat return 1 if a question contains what, otherwise return 0
havewhen return 1 if a question contains when, otherwise return 0
havewho return 1 if a question contains who, otherwise return 0
havewhy return 1 if a question contains why, otherwise return 0
havehow return 1 if a question contains how, otherwise return 0
nonascii return 1 if a question contains nonascii characters, otherwise return 0
nonlatin return 1 if a question contains nonlatin characters, otherwise return 0

Word2vec features

Word2vec is a two-layer neural network model that is used to produce word embeddings. Word2vec takes a large corpus of text as input and produces a vector space of several hundreds dimensions. Words with similar meanings are close in distance in their vector space. We imported the Google pretrained word2vec model, and run the model using the gensim package in python. It outputs a vector for each word in our data. Then, we computed the distance features which measures the similarity between vectors, the skewness and kurtosis features which measure the shape of the distribution.

Feature Description
1_ND normalized word mover distance
2_ND normalized word mover distance using 2-grams
3_ND normalized word mover distance using 3-grams
1_ND_w_stops normalized word mover distance after filtering stop words
2_ND_w_stops normalized word mover distance using 2-grams after filtering stop words
3_ND_w_stops normalized word mover distance using 3-grams after filtering stop words
cosine_distance cosine distance
cityblock_distance cityblock distance
jaccard_distance jaccard distance
canberra_distance canberra distance
euclidean_distance euclidean distance
minkowski_distance minkowski distance
braycurtis_distance braycurtis distance
skew_q1vec skewness of q1 vector
skew_q2vec skewness of q1 vector
kur_q1vec kurtosis of q1 vector
kur_q2vec kurtosis of q2 vector

TF-IDF features

tf-idf, short for term frequency-inverse document frequency, is a numerical statistic that measures the importance of a word in a sentence. The importance is denoted by term frequency in a sentence (tf), and offset by the frequency of the word in corpus(idf).

![alt text][tfidf]

For example, in the sentence 'How do I read and find my YouTube comments?', 'I' has the same term frequency as 'Youtube', but 'I' has a higher frequency than 'Youtube' in the corpus, so the high frequency of 'I' in this sentence is offset by the high frequency of 'I' in corpus, so 'I' is not important. On the other hand, 'Youtube' has a high frequency in this sentence and low frequency in the corpus, so 'Youtube' is still considered as important. Therefore, 'Youtube' has better prediction power than 'I'. In other words, the more rare a term is, the larger idf.

After tfidf transformation, we crafted the following features

Feature Description
tfidf_wm word match after tfidf
tfidf_wm_stops word match after tfidf and filtering stop words
2_SWC_IDF word match using 2-grams after tfidf
3_SWC_IDF word match using 3-grams after tfidf
2_SWC_IDF_w_stops word match using 2-grams after tfidf and filtering stop words
3_SWC_IDF_w_stops word match using 3-grams after tfidf and filtering stop words
1_ND_IDF normal distance after tfidf
2_ND_IDF normal distance using 2-grams after tfidf
3_ND_IDF normal distance using 3-grams after tfidf
1_ND_IDF_w_stops normal distance after tfidf and filtering stop words
2_ND_IDF normal distance using 2-grams after tfidf and filtering stop words
3_ND_IDF normal distance using 3-grams after tfidf and filtering stop words

LSTMs (Long Short Term Memory networks) features

LSTMs is a special kind of recurrent neural network (RNN) which works very well in predicting sequential patterns such as text, speech, audio, video, physical processes, time series(sensor) data, anomaly detection, etc. The details of LSTMs are well explained in the blog post by Christopher Olah, and the blog post by Brandon Rohrer.

We converted each word in our dataset to an unique integer identifier after data clean and preprocessing. By Keras default embedding, it was converted to a embedding matrix. Feeding the embeding matrix to LSTMs, we obtained the output from 32 neurons which gives us 32 LSTM features.

Leak features

Leak features are playing an important role in this competition. It is useful in competition but not practical in real world projects because we do not know the true target value for test dataset.

Feature Description
q1_frequency the number of times question1 appearance in the dataset
q2_frequency the number of times question2 appearance in the dataset
q1_q2_intersect the number of shared questions question1 and question2 all formed question pairs with in the dataset

Machine Learning Models

We have built models including xgboost, random forest, logistic regression, neural network, and support vector machines. Using different subsets of data, we built a total of 12 models. The best single model is a xgboost model with 83 features, it gives 0.15239 logloss on the public leaderboard.

Model Stacking

There are several ways to ensemble models, the most widely used methods include bagging, boosting and stacking. Here, we use stacking. The basic idea of stacking is to build different models which output intermediate prediction, also called meta features. Those meta features are combined and fed into a new model to predict target.
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We stacked 12 models. Logloss reaches 0.15146 on the public leaderboard, which is almost 0.001 improvement on the best single model.

It was so much fun and a great learning experience working on the Quora project with my talented team members. Thank you !